Doing Business

Information on this page was last reviewed in December 2024.

Our Fast Facts Guide is independently checked and verified each year by EY Management Ltd. All of the information in this guide has been carefully collected and prepared, but it remains subject to change and correction. Use these contents for general guidance only and seek assistance from a professional advisor with regard to specific matters.

Incentives for Global Business

The Government has established a separate Ministry to facilitate the development and expansion of the global business sector.


Companies and individuals who are resident and domiciled in Barbados for tax purposes are subject to income tax on their worldwide income whether or not the income is remitted to Barbados. Persons who are resident but not domiciled in Barbados are taxed on their income derived from Barbados and on any overseas income remitted to (or from which a benefit is received in) Barbados. Non-residents are taxed only on income derived from Barbados. 

On 24 May 2024 the Income Tax (Amendment and Validation) Act, 2024 and the Corporation Top-Up Tax Act, 2024-16 was enacted, effecting the following corporate tax changes:

The standard corporation tax rate has been increased to 9% with effect from income year 2024, commencing 1 January 2024.

International shipping entities will be subject to tax at the graduated rates below: 

Taxation in Barbados

The graduated rates above are applicable to some in-scope MNEs1 in income year 2024, with the corporate tax rate of 9% being applicable to all companies in 2025.

In addition, a company that is registered as a small business under the Small Business Development Act and has a gross income below USD$1 million will be subject to a corporate tax rate of 5.5%.

Insurance companies continue to be taxed in accordance with the table illustrated below based on the Class of licence which the company obtains:

Licences for Insurance Companies

There are no capital gains taxes levied in Barbados, and gift, inheritance, and estate taxes are not applicable. Property transfer tax applies to the transfer of property situated in Barbados at a rate of 2.5%. This includes real estate as well as certain leasehold interests and shares. Stamp duty is also payable on instruments executed in Barbados, which relate to any property situated in Barbados or to any matter or thing done or to be done in Barbados. Generally, stamp duty at the rate of approximately 1% is applied to instruments executing the sale of real estate.  

Double Taxation & Investment Treaties

Barbados has entered into Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) and bilateral investment treaties with the countries as indicated in the table below. 

Trading Partners

Special trading arrangements have been entered into with other jurisdictions. These can be summarised as follows: 

Real Estate

Buying and selling property in Barbados 

There is no restriction on the purchase of property in Barbados by persons who are not citizens or permanent residents. These funds must be registered with the Central Bank of Barbados and the permission of the Exchange Control Authority obtained for the sale or purchase of property by a non-resident whether such non-resident is a Barbadian citizen or not. 

The sale of property by all persons including citizens or permanent residents is subject to a property transfer tax of 2.5% plus approximately 1% stamp duty. However, the first US$75,000 of the sale proceeds is exempt from Property Transfer Tax provided that there is a building on the property. Attorney’s fees for both the seller and the purchaser are on a sliding scale generally ranging between 1% and 2% depending the sale price of the real estate. 

buying real estate in barbados

Note that this is only the minimum fee that may be charged. 

Note that in the case of registered land the minimum fee for the sale of registered land is 2/3 or 1/3 of the cost for a normal conveyance (above) depending on if acting for vendor or purchaser. However, the vast majority land on the island is not registered as yet. 

The real estate agent’s commission fees are normally 5% of the sale. Both fees are subject to 17.5% VAT. A deposit of 10% is typically due upon the signing of the purchase agreement with the balance payable on completion of the purchase.