Chiryl Newman
Champers Restaurant
Having first ventured into the world of restaurant ownership over 40 years ago, Chiryl Newman has established herself as one of the most accomplished and highly regarded Barbadian entrepreneurs in the hospitality sector. One of the key factors behind her enduring success has been a ready willingness to reinvest in the business. Chiryl’s current establishment, Champers on the island’s south coast, is consistently rated amongst the very top restaurants in Barbados.

Chiryl Newman
Without boasting, I have a lot confidence in what I can do, so I never think about failing. I evaluate everything carefully, make a qualified decision, then make it work. And that includes reinvesting to grow the business by improving our product and developing the brand.
When we bought our building about 18 years ago, we were undercapitalized and had no money to improve the property the way it needed. Then, just as we took the plunge and refinanced to undertake some serious redevelopment, along came the pandemic and shut down tourism. Nevertheless, at a time when many businesses cut back drastically, thanks to excellent guidance from our financial advisor, we forged ahead and did more than we had planned. By the time the world got back to normal, we had a bigger restaurant and a better financial standing.
I have to say, Barbados is blessed with an abundance of very good professionals in financial and legal services – the kind of people you can actually trust to do a good job, producing documents that any international agency will take at face value. That is one of the reasons why this country is a safe, secure and sound place to invest.