Brief History
BIBA is a not-for-profit private sector organisation that comprises companies involved in global business in Barbados and companies that are otherwise strategically associated with this sector. It is the successor to the Barbados Association of International Business Companies and Offshore Banks (BAIBCOB), which was originally formed in 1997. Months later, a decision was made to embrace the membership of BAIBCOB, the Canada Barbados Business Association (CBBA), and the Barbados International Insurance Association (BIIA) under one umbrella, the Barbados International Business Association was incorporated in November that year.
Who we are
In 2020, we rebranded as “BIBA, the Association for Global Business” to signal that we embrace all companies in Barbados who service global markets, both domestic and international, and to align with Prime Minister Mottley’s expressed goal to cement Barbados as a global business hub. BIBA has a current membership of over 140 companies drawn from Canada, the US, the UK, Latin America, and Europe, primarily in banking and wealth management, insurance, fintech, manufacturing, logistics, legal, accounting, tax, and corporate service providers, and many more.
Our vision
“To work, as a trusted strategic partner of members and stakeholders, for the advancement and sustainability of global business conducted in and from Barbados”
Our members
BIBA counts among its membership some of the leading names in corporate Barbados and across the globe.
Our goals
• To be the industry voice to the Barbados government and community.
• To provide a forum for exchanges of information and ideas among members.
• To ensure our members’ professional and personal interests are adequately served.
• To be the catalyst for creating and maintaining private and public sector unity in the effort to develop Barbados.
• To be an invaluable partner to the government and the people of Barbados in the development efforts of the country.
• To liaise with and facilitate the work of the relevant government ministries, statutory bodies, and other organizations involved in the development and regulation of international business in Barbados.
• To be an authority and major source of information on matters related to global business.
• To be a major point of contact for helpful advice and orientation of new investors to the island.
A trusted partner
BIBA has sought to be a responsive, valued, and trusted partner to our members in the pursuit of these goals and we are pleased to highlight the following achievements:
• BIBA holds seats on the Boards of Invest Barbados and the Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA). As a member of the BPSA, BIBA participates in the full Social Partnership: a tripartite participatory governance body chaired by the Prime Minister, in which the Private Sector, Government and the Trade Union Movement dialogue to arrive at collective solutions for economic and social challenges facing the country
• BIBA is a member of the Barbados Treaty Negotiation Team, the mechanism responsible for the negotiation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Double Taxation Agreements.
• BIBA has a seat on the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation Plan (BERT) Monitoring Committee that monitors the Government’s implementation of the economic recovery plan agreed with the IMF. From 2018 to 2019 BIBA spearheaded the formation of a task force of private and public sector representatives to provided informed professional guidance to the government on the reformation of the Barbados tax regime to comply with the stipulations of the OECD’s Base Erosion and Profit Shifting, which resulted in us being removed from both the OECD and EU blacklists at that time. In September 2021, the leadership and members of BIBA collaborated in a strategic retreat led by Invest Barbados and the Ministry of International Business to redefine and chart a new path forward for the global business sector.
Advancement & Sustainability
In 2009, BIBA recognised that to foster an increased appreciation among Barbadians for this sector and its contribution to the Barbados economy, a greater thrust would have to be made to educate and inform the public of Its necessity and value. Thus, International Business Week was born.
As Barbados strengthens its position as a global business hub, we rebranded it as Global Business Week (GBW)to continue focusing national attention on the nature, importance, and contribution of the global business sector. Included in this annual week of activities are targeted outreach to secondary and tertiary level students to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and tools to secure a career in the sector as our highly skilled local workforce remains a comparative advantage for Barbados.
Our value proposition
BIBA continues to welcome and champion new investment into Barbados. We invite all interested firms, whether a sole proprietor or a multinational to consider joining the BIBA community and taking advantage of all we have to offer, including:
• Ability to offer input into domestic legislation, regulations, and policy decisions that affect the global business sector
• Access to valuable sources of information and analysis of developments in the global business sector
• Attractive medical insurance plan available to all members in good financial standing
• Evidence of substantive involvement in the business community in Barbados Listing in the online BIBA members’ directory.
• Being kept informed of local and selected international fora on current topics of relevance to the global business sector
• Networking opportunities with local and global contacts
• Opportunities to attend local and selected international fora on current topics of relevance to the global business sector at preferential rates.
• Opportunity to vote and sit on the BIBA Board of Directors and working committees
BIBA Charity
In 2010, BIBA established a registered Charity to create a mechanism by which members could pool their resources to collectively make a significant contribution in various areas of need for the benefit of the public of Barbados, especially the public healthcare system of Barbados.
With the help of generous donors, the Charity has donated medical equipment and supplies to the public hospital and polyclinics facilities across Barbados with the most significant donations being a dental suite worth more than USD 100,000 to the Eunice Gibson Polyclinic; a walk-in cooler for vaccine storage, with an installed cost of approximately USD 75,000 to the Winston Scott Polyclinic; more than USD 45,000 in medical equipment to the eight polyclinics across Barbados including fetal monitors and oxygen concentrators for every polyclinic; and more recently in response to the Government’s COVID-19 pandemic fight, 12 BiPap machines, and respiratory equipment to the Ministry of Health valued at over USD 25,000.